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In a lot of ways, we're similar to an ordinary bike shop. We carry a quality selection of new bike gear and accessories. Unlike your ordinary bike shop, however, we also carry a large range of quality secondhand bikes, bike parts, and bike accessories. Our range of used bikes, parts, and accessories mean you typically can get the things you need to keep your bike rolling along for less than you'd spend at an ordinary bike store.

Here are further examples of what you can expect to find for sale when you visit our shop:

  • A perpetually updated selection of quality secondhand bikes, including cruisers, mountain bikes, road bikes, kids bikes, and more, all at excellently cheap prices

  • All the standard gear for maintaining your bike, including tubes, tires, lube, bike chains, etc.

  • A wide variety of quality used parts for every kind of bike, from saddles to derailleurs to handlebars

  • Secondhand soft goods, including bike kits, bags, and shoes

  • A range of shiny new bike accessories including bike helmets, bike locks, and bike lights

  • Awesome The Bicycle Tree swag, including our super-cool t-shirts