Please help us continue to make bicycling approachable and accessible for all people in Orange County. Without the support of our donors, the work we do cannot be sustained or expanded.
We can accept donations online through Paypal. You may donate using your credit card – no Paypal account required.
Please follow the link above to donate to The Bicycle Tree.
Note that these donations are processed through our nonprofit fiscal sponsor, Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs.
Donations to The Bicycle Tree are tax-deductible according to section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. For more information about our organization and finances, you may visit our profile at OC Nonprofit Central via the link below.
Donations to the Bicycle Tree may also be made through this platform.
When donating, please include a return address so that a letter of thanks and a donation receipt can be sent to you. Donations by check should be written out to:
“SEE” with “The Bicycle Tree” written in the memo line.
Please send checks to:
Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs
23564 Calabasas Rd. Ste. 201
Calabasas, CA 91302
We depend upon the donation of bikes and parts to do the work that we do. We take all bikes and parts, which may be brought to the shop during our public hours or by appointment. NOTE: Due to our limited capacity, we cannot always accept all bikes. We generally cannot accept bicycles that are low quality and/or in poor condition.
What do we use your donations for?
• Wrench and Ride: An eight-week program in which participants learn fundamental bicycle maintenance and bicycling skills. Participants select and help repair a bike, learn bike safety skills, we ride together, and graduates take their bike home, along with a helmet, lock, and lights.
• Donations to individuals in need: we refurbish donated bicycles and work with area shelters and assistance programs to give the bikes to individuals in need.
• Supporting bicycle education: We sell refurbished bikes and parts to help fund our maintenance workshops, classes, and the other work that we do.
If you are interested in volunteering with the Bicycle Tree, you may call the shop during our hours of operation, send us an email, or just drop on by any time we’re open. Typically, new volunteers should complete an orientation, which is usually held during our Friday volunteer hours between 1 and 6 pm.
New volunteers must fill out this Hold Harmless Agreement and either our online Volunteer Form or our printed Volunteer Information Form. You may also download our Volunteer Handbook.
If you’re ready to volunteer, get in touch! The Bicycle Tree is run by volunteers. We'd be delighted if you can join us! Volunteers with bike repair skills are always needed, but we need people who can do all sorts of things! Here's a partial list of some of the many volunteer opportunities available at The Bicycle Tree:
BIKE MECHANICS: Skilled bike mechanics are at the heart of the services we offer. Even if your bike mechanic skills don't go much beyond fixing a flat, you're still welcome to show up and help out — it's a great hands-on opportunity to develop your bike repair skills.
NON-MECHANICAL SHOP ASSISTANCE: If you're not comfortable helping people fix their bikes, we can still use your assistance at the shop. You can help us organize or clean the shop, assist customers, and answer the phone, amongst other tasks.
OUTREACH AT EVENTS: We regularly attend a variety of community events, and can always use personable volunteers to tell members of the public about who we are and what we do.
MARKETING & GRAPHIC DESIGN: We can use a hand in bringing greater awareness of the services we offer through various avenues, including our website, facebook, twitter, tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest.
GRANTSEEKING: As a non-profit community organization, we can use all the assistance we can get to help us build relationships with people who would like to help fund the work we do.
FUNDRAISING EVENTS: We can use help with event planning, volunteer coordination, and business outreach. We are receptive to your suggestions for fundraising activities.
OTHER IDEAS:Did you have another idea for how you'd like to volunteer with us? Hit us up! We're receptive to new ideas and new ways to engage volunteers
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